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The Southridge Theatre Company proudly presents “The Yellow Suitcase” an original, devised Collective Creation One-Act Play that weaves many Canadian origin stories through one in particular: the journey of a young woman who immigrates to Canada alone from Poland. With the central theme of passing on kindness, this play aims to show that kindness, above all else, fosters feelings of safety and security in new places.


When kindness is received in new environments, it is more likely to be passed on. This play has been entirely conceived and created as a group effort of the Theatre Company class of 2024-25 without any specific writers or directors. Each student has embraced multiple leadership roles, utilizing Harkness skills to bring this meaningful piece of theatre to our community. 


The show will also feature other stories and performances of migration rounding out two memorable evenings of live theatre.


The show explores themes of death and war and is appropriate for ages 8 and up.













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White Rock Players' Club is a non-profit, volunteer based community theatre

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